Are Humans Meant to Eat Meat?


Our world is becoming increasingly conscious of ethical, environmental, and health concerns. Thus, the question "Are humans meant to eat meat?" resonates deeply with many. Perhaps you've found yourself contemplating this very query, weighing the pros and cons of a meat-centric diet. As you explore the possibility of going meat-free or seeking a balanced approach to consumption, we're here to delve into the discourse, offering insights into why we believe meat can play a vital role in human nutrition and well-being! Join us, as we navigate this complex terrain and uncover the multifaceted aspects of the meat-eating debate.

An Ancestral Perspective: Did Humans Originally Eat Meat?

Yes! As a matter of fact, throughout the entirety of all human existence, meat has been a vital, requisite (and even worshiped) constituent of our diet. It has been essential in providing the most important and bioavailable nutrients for fueling strong muscles, physical development, growth of the mind, and even allowing for better chances of survival.

Imagine our ancestors as they dash through the forests in pursuit of elk, deer, and bear... or perhaps our African predecessors, as they rush across the savannah, seeking after antelope. And what about our carefully camouflaged and tightly bundled up Inuit trappers, as they carefully press their bellies against the ice, ready to claim their northern prey?

It is literally impossible to speak of our ancestors, and humans in general, without touching on the fact that meat has been a cornerstone of human sustenance and nutrition. And truth be told, it's not even just about sustenance; meat provides such incredibly rich source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and proteins which serve us for optimal health.

Are Our Bodies Designed to Eat Meat?

This is a debate that has been going on for a very, very long time. Thankfully, research points the way and backs up the fact that we’ve been eating meat for over 30,000 years. (1)

Furthermore, all we need to do is take a closer look at human physiology, which proves to the human eye, as well as touch by the human hand, that we are more than equipped to effectively process meat... 

1.) We are talking about your canine teeth, which sit carefully by your incisors. These sharper teeth allow for gripping, pulling, chomping, and cleaving meaty foods.

2.) There’s more to it than our canines, as well... The moment you begin chewing a piece of meat, your mouth floods with saliva and enzymes. As you swallow, that pre-processed piece of meat then goes down your esophagus, and lands into your stomach. 

3.) The stomach then begins to secrete HCL (Or, Hydrochloric Acid), Pepsin (Which is an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of protein), and Gastrin (a crucial hormone that breaks down protein). 

4.) As it travels down the small intestines, the pancreas releases additional enzymes to help assist with further protein breakdown, along with the gallbladder, which contracts and squeezes bile into the digestive system, helping to further breakdown, emulsify, and assimilate the fats into essential fatty acids, which the body can then easily absorb. 

In summary and answer to this question... If we weren’t meant nor designed to consume meat, our bodies simply would not possess the physiology, machinery, chemical reactions, and hormonal responses to break down this precious food source. 

Is Eating Meat Nutritionally Necessary?

We absolutely believe that it is, which is why we do what we do! As a matter of fact, nerd out with us for a second, will you? 

Now, we’re not totally here to diss on plants!  You can get some nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants from plant-based sources... But it really does bear the fact that meat brings the full-blown A-game with all those B vitamins, zinc, iron, protein, and so much more... Weston A. Price thinks so, too. (2) And the best part? It’s absolutely delicious! 

Now of course, muscle meats carry their fair share of nutrients, as we’ve just touched on, but we’d be doing you a disservice if we didn’t touch on beef organs.

  • Liver - Unchallenged as nature's most nutrient-dense superfood, liver is a meaningful source of vitamin A (in the form or retinol), while also rich in heme iron, B12, and folate). Liver supports energy demands and is a key player in metabolism and methylation.
  • Heart - The richest source of naturally occurring coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 supports heart health, blood pressure, and is a nutritional powerhouse for mitochondria.
  • Kidney - A potent bioavailable source of naturally occurring selenium and B12, kidney supports strong kidney health, aids in detoxification pathways and the antioxidant defense system, helps defend against infection, and supports immune health.
  • Pancreas – Mother nature's all-natural source of enzymes, pancreas supports a strong functioning pancreas, blood sugar signaling, and contributes an abundance of key enzymes for optimal digestion. 
  • Spleen - Nature's most concentrated source of heme iron, spleen supports strong immune and allergy health and aids in the metabolic health of our blood cells. It is well-known for its ability to build blood.


With all the physiological representation, and of course in the grand tapestry of all human history, the substantiation speaks quite loud and clear for itself: we are indeed meant to eat meat! Bursting from our ancestral roots and leading all the way to our modern tables, the whole story of humanity is completely and inseparably connected with pursuing, prepping, and wolfing down—pun intended—on meat.

More than this, let’s be candid... It's not just about the sustenance; No, it is about connection. Connection to our honored pasts, leading, as a thread, to our current bodies and lives, gifted to us in this exact moment, and to a total celebration of diversity. Let us embrace the nourishment with which meat and organs provide to us! And let us honor that beautiful, stirring, age-old tradition which causes us to gather around a fire, and savor the flavors of freshly roasted boar, pig, chicken, or whatever so have you.

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